1.0 - Further digging

I dug further into the MidiNet paper and found an interesting image depicting the working of music generated based on a reversed convolition neural network with Noise as input.
Illustration of the generator model’s CNN and the use of 1D and 2D conditions of MidiNet.

Besides that I dug into getting CNN's to work inside of TensorFlow (TF), I found a wonderful tutorial by Martin Gorner on how to get CNN's working. I will come back on my findings making a neural network in TF. The approximate time to go through it is 150 minutes, but with some experience I'm expecting to be done a bit faster. Python also provides a midi interpreter, but not by default, the one I found can do some interesting stuff, writing, reading and modifying midi files. It is only available for Python 2.x but another I found is available for Python 3.x

I will report back on all my findings once I'm closer to finding all the tools and prerequisites I need.


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